Springtime Countertop Garden Pot Decorating

Come paint some pots and adorn your countertop with a burst of Spring.   We’ll supply the pots, paint and decorating materials.  Potted herbs and culinary flowers will be available for purchase at the farm stand if you’d like to add them to your creations!

Date: Saturday, April 8

Time: 10:00am-11:15am

Location: Plum Grove at the Cosentino Family Farm

This event is kids and adult friendly!  Cost is $30 per participant, includes three 6” pots, and a post-decorating refreshment!

Spots are limited so sign-up early! 

Registration and payment is required to secure your spot and space is limited  Payment can be made via Venmo @CosentinoFamilyFarm and must be received by Wednesday, April 5.  Please note “Springtime Garden Class” in the notes section.


Apr 08 2023


10:00 am - 11:15 am


Cosentino Family Farm
Cosentino Family Farm
4977 Carter Avenue San Jose, CA 95118

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